Wednesday, April 7, 2010

hey y'aaaaaall! As some of you have noticed, there haven't been any updates for a few weeks. As previously mentioned, I've got a couple of freelance projects going on simultaneously and I have to focus my energy on that paying work right now.

I did manage to get an NB page pencilled last week so hopefully I'll have it up next week. one of the freelance projects will be done by the end of this month and then I should have enough time to resume drawing and posting NB regularly.

thanks for the continued support!

A bit of talk about issues you may run into when printing your comics - Publishing Part 3 - Part 3.

Friday, March 5, 2010

"Publishing Pt. 2 - How Much is This Going to Cost Me?" where I talk actual dollar amounts. check it out if you're interested in that sort of thing.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

It might interest some of you that I started writing about my experiences in Self-Publishing. You can read Part One HERE.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

hey folks!
hope you've all had a joyous holiday season and enjoyed some time off. we're already into the thick of 2010. I've been very busy at MCAD getting ready for the students to return on Tuesday so I've been neglecting to post Page-A-Day comics. I just set some up to start posting tomorrow. I should have more work art time soon!

I also wanted to let anyone who cares know that I've started two new freelance projects (one is the second Chicagoland book) this year which *may* impact production and posting of Nothing Better pages. Right now I'm 2 weeks ahead of schedule with NB when I'm usually 4, so we'll see how this goes. My hope was that both freelance projects would synch up with each other so that I could alternate between them but who knows.

Enjoy the comics and thanks as always for reading!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Nothing Better Vol 2: Into the Wild is picked as a best graphic novel of 2009 at Comics Worth Reading - thanks Johanna! Go check out the rest of the list and read her very thoughtful review.

Monday, November 30, 2009

I got a comment about the "bike" comic from Page-A-Day (here) and whether it would have a life beyond the website. The answer is YES! I'm working on laying out all 30 panels onto one sheet and making it into a print/poster. I just need to figure out exactly how and at what size I want to print it. Stay tuned!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Nothing Better Vol 2 and The Saga of Rob Harvard are now available - ORDER NOW! operators are standing by...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

starting a new little story with Page-A-Day today! it's about bikes!! er, a bike rather...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

whoah. sorry about the atrocious posting of Page-A-Day comics lately! I've been missing my sketchbook time playing catchup on freelance work and getting the Rob Harvard book together. patience. more soon!